Discovering Statistics Using IBM SPSS Statistics by Andy Field

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Discovering Statistics Using IBM SPSS Statistics by Andy Field

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Buchzustand - Sehr Gut
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Regular price CHF11.00
Buchzustand - Sehr Gut
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Unrivalled in the way it makes the teaching of statistics compelling and accessible to even the most anxious of students, the only statistics textbook lecturers and their students will ever need just got better!

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Discovering Statistics Using IBM SPSS Statistics by Andy Field

With a little help from his weird band of characters the Fourth Edition of the award-winning book continues, with its unique blend of humour and collection of bizarre examples, to bring statistics - from first principles to advanced concepts - well and truly to life using IBM SPSS Statistics. Lecturers: with WebAssign® you can manage and monitor your students′ progress quickly and easily online or give them more opportunities to practise!  Ideal for short courses, choose to use WebAssign® alongside the Fourth Edition of Andy Field′s textbook to quickly set up courses and schedule assignments (using the  2159 questions available) and track individual performance so you can spot in an instant where more instruction or practice is needed. If not using for fomal assessment, WebAssign® still lets you set questions for your students to practise over and over again. They get instant feedback and also links to the relevant chapter or section in the integral ebook to help them work out the correct solution. Students please note: access to WebAssign® is dependent not only on the purchase of a student access code (ISBN: 9781446273043) but also a username, institution code and password supplied by your course leader/instructor. SAGE MobileStudy - study where and when you like Scan any QR code within the book to access revision material on a smartphone or tablet such as Cramming Sam′s Study tips, flashcard glossaries, interactive multiple choice questionnaires and more. Support materials for a wide range of disciplines Education and Sport Sciences lecturer support materials with enhanced ones for Psychology, Business and Management and the Health Sciences on the enhanced Companion Website make the book even more relevant to a wider range of subjects across the social sciences and where statistics is taught to a cross-disciplinary audience. Other major new updates include: Now fully compatible with recent IBM SPSS Statistics releases. Two new characters! Statistical cult leader Oditi provides students with access to video clips via his Lantern to help further understanding of statistical/SPSS concepts, while Confusius helps students to make better sense of statistical terms. The enhanced Companion Website offers plenty of lecturer and student material to use in conjunction with the textbook. These include PowerPoints and subject-specific testbanks for lecturers as well as answers to the Smart Alex tasks at the end of the each chapter; datafiles for testing problems in SPSS; flashcards of key concepts; self-assessment multiple-choice questions; and online videos of key statistical and SPSS procedures discussed in the textbook for students.
I think this is a really good starting point for teaching stats – from assuming students knows nothing about and taking them gradually to a more advanced understandingThe book is – very helpfully- full of interesting examples and engaging style of writing. I like it that the book has several ‘levels of difficulty’ and engages both with practical stats and theory. The book I believe is targeted at UG students mainly, but some chapters can be recommended to MA students on research methods courses provided that they know nothing about statistics – the book is written in a very accessible manner which means that it can satisfy the need of international students in terms of level of difficulty and language (and business programmes normally have a lot of international students at MA level). The explanations are logically organized and explained in a lucid and clear manner. Little features like ‘faces’ I believe would make the book more attractive to UG students. I think self-test questions and the tasks at the end of chapter are very helpful, as well as the real world data and (often humorous) examples. My course is MA so I am not adopting this book for a course as a main text, but I may recommend it to students who are completely unfamiliar with statistics. -- Maria Karepova
Andy Field has done it again.  The fourth edition of Discovering Statistics will transform students who approach statistics with fear and loathing into adroit statistics users who understand key statistical concepts.  Field’s book is a practical ‘how to’ guide for conducting and understanding basic and advanced statistical analyses using IBM SPSS Statistics.  The book is geared toward behavioural and social sciences researchers at all levels – from undergraduates taking their very first statistics course, to postgraduates.  -- JoNell Strough * Psychology Learning and Teaching *
Andy Field is Professor of Quantitative Methods at the University of Sussex. He has published widely (100+ research papers, 29 book chapters, and 17 books in various editions) in the areas of child anxiety and psychological methods and statistics. His current research interests focus on barriers to learning mathematics and statistics. He is internationally known as a statistics educator. He has written several widely used statistics textbooks including Discovering Statistics Using IBM SPSS Statistics (winner of the 2007 British Psychological Society book award), Discovering Statistics Using R, and An Adventure in Statistics (shortlisted for the British Psychological Society book award, 2017; British Book Design and Production Awards, primary, secondary and tertiary education category, 2016; and the Association of Learned & Professional Society Publishers Award for innovation in publishing, 2016), which teaches statistics through a fictional narrative and uses graphic novel elements. He has also written the adventr and discovr packages for the statistics software R that teach statistics and R through interactive tutorials. His uncontrollable enthusiasm for teaching statistics to psychologists has led to teaching awards from the University of Sussex (2001, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2019), the British Psychological Society (2006) and a prestigious UK National Teaching fellowship (2010). He′s done the usual academic things: had grants, been on editorial boards, done lots of admin/service but he finds it tedious trying to remember this stuff. None of them matter anyway because in the unlikely event that you′ve ever heard of him it′ll be as the ′Stats book guy′. In his spare time, he plays the drums very noisily in a heavy metal band, and walks his cocker spaniel, both of which he finds therapeutic.
SKU GOR006108454
ISBN 13 9781446249185
ISBN 10 1446249182
Titel Discovering Statistics Using IBM SPSS Statistics
Autor Andy Field
Buchzustand Sehr Gut
Bindungsart Paperback
Verlag Sage Publications Ltd
Erscheinungsjahr 2013-03-31
Seitenanzahl 952
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