Battlefield of the Mind Bible by Joyce Meyer

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Battlefield of the Mind Bible by Joyce Meyer


The BATTLEFIELD OF THE MIND BIBLE will help readers connect the truths of Joyce's all-time bestselling book, Battlefield of the Mind, to the Bible, and change their lives by changing their thinking.

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Battlefield of the Mind Bible by Joyce Meyer

Joyce Meyer will help you use the Word to overcome the battles of your mind by changing your thoughts to change your life. Features she shares include over 150 contemplative articles on Winning the Battles of the Mind, 500 scripture-based articles called Keys to a Victorious Life, and so much more. She also helps empower you with God's strength through hundreds of prayers, thought-provoking questions, and thorough introductions to each book of the Bible. Joyce's teachings on the "Battlefield of the Mind" give a new dimension to how the "Words of life" can transform your life. You'll feel as though you have Joyce as your own personal study partner. Additional features include: *PowerPoints - Approximately 350 powerful tips drawn from scripture to help you think, speak, or live to win the battles of the mind. *Speak God's Word - 300 scripture confessions that will teach you how to confess God's Word for yourself. *A Prayer for Victory - 125 prayers to fuel your ability to overcome any obstacle and live victoriously.
Joyce Meyer is the bestselling author of more than 100 inspirational books, including The Power of Simple Prayer, Approval Addiction, Power Thoughts and Battlefield of the Mind. Joyce's 'Enjoying Everyday Life' radio and television programmes are broadcast around the world, and she travels extensively conducting conferences.
SKU Non disponible
ISBN 13 9781455595327
ISBN 10 1455595322
Titre Battlefield of the Mind Bible
Auteur Joyce Meyer
État Non disponible
Type de reliure Hardback
Éditeur John Murray Press
Année de publication 2017-02-23
Nombre de pages 2200
Note de couverture La photo du livre est présentée à titre d'illustration uniquement. La reliure, la couverture ou l'édition réelle peuvent varier.
Note Non disponible