Authors G
Autoren AZ
Hier können Sie alphabetisch nach Ihren Lieblingsautoren suchen
- Collins GCSE
- Letts GCSE
- GMAC (Graduate Management Admission Council)
- Manhattan GMAT
- Gillian G. Gaar
- Jostein Gaarder
- Maruscha Gaasenbeek
- Diana Gabaldon
- Jonathan Gabay
- Christina Gabbitas
- Ann H. Gabhart
- Marius Gabriel
- Reg Gadney
- Jackie Gaff
- Kelly Gaffney
- Christos Gage
- Tammy Gagne
- Neil Gaiman
- Keith Gaines
- Angela Gair
- Ruth Gairns
- John Kenneth Galbraith
- Robert Galbraith
- Douglas Galbraith
- Benito Perez Galdos
- Cengage Learning Gale
- Patrick Gale
- Emily Gale
- Matthew Gale
- Harold Gale
- Eduardo Galeano
- Yasmine Galenorn
- Mark Galeotti
- Mark Galer (photographer, educator, and Official Adobe Ambassador)
- Mark Galer
- Damon Galgut
- Sandy Gall
- Belinda Gallagher
- Mary-Ann Gallagher
- Brian Gallagher
- Diana G Gallagher
- RoseMarie Gallagher
- Tom Gallagher
- Conrad Gallagher
- Ann-Marie Gallagher
- Stephen Gallagher
- Jim Gallagher
- Michael Paul Gallagher
- Chrissie Gallagher-Mundy
- Richard Wolfrik Galland
- National Portrait Gallery
- National Gallery
- Paul Gallico
- Bill Galliford
- Max Gallo
- Rick Gallop
- Fhiona Galloway
- Jeff Galloway
- Ruth Galloway
- Gallup
- John Galsworthy
- John Galt
- Ray Galton
- Della Galton
- Jeremy Galton
- Paul Gambaccini
- Adam Gamble
- Nikki Gamble
- Paul Gamble
- Series Nikki Gamble
- Robert Gambles
- The Times Mind Games
- Prima Games
- Richardson Puzzles and Games
- Linda Gamlin
- Peter Gammond
- Terry Gander
- Lucinda Ganderton
- Anita Ganeri
- Paddy Gannon
- Kurt Ganzl
- Katherine Garbera
- Emma Garcia
- Kami Garcia
- Jane Gardam
- In the Night Garden
- Graeme Garden
- Better Homes and Gardens
- Christina Mia Gardeski
- Samuel Rawson Gardiner
- Juliet Gardiner
- Robert Gardiner
- Meg Gardiner
- Wendy Gardiner
- Philip Gardiner
- Sally Gardner
- John Gardner
- Lisa Gardner
- Martin Gardner
- Erle Stanley Gardner
- Craig Shaw Gardner
- David Gardner
- Howard Gardner
- Faye Gardner
- Frank Gardner
- Charlie Gardner
- Helen Gardner
- Darlene Gardner
- Adamson, Jean; Adamson, Gareth
- Leon Garfield
- Simon Garfield
- Sarah Garland
- Rosie Garland
- Dorothy Garlock
- Alan Garner
- Lynne Garner
- Helen Garner
- Philippe Garner
- Oliver Garnett
- Mark Garnett
- David Garnett
- Pascal Garnier
- Colin Garratt
- Bob Garratt
- Chris Garratt
- John Garrett
- Richard Garrett
- Webb Garrison
- Ben Garrod
- Tony Garth
- Neil Gartshore
- Geoff Garvey
- Julie Garwood
- Duncan Garwood
- Romain Gary
- Jonathan Gash
- Elizabeth Gaskell
- Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell
- Catherine Gaskin
- Bob Gass
- Linda Gassenheimer
- Sophy Gasson
- Diane Gaston
- Mary Frank Gaston
- Chris Gatcum
- Robert Gate
- Jim Gatenby
- James Gatenby
- Dilys Gater
- Susan Gates
- Olivia Gates
- Susan P. Gates
- Stefan Gates
- Jonathan Gathorne-Hardy
- David Gatward
- Laurent Gaude
- Madonna Gauding
- Steven Gauge
- Tom Gauld
- Robin Gauldie
- William Gaunt
- Leonard Gaunt
- J.H.H. Gaute
- Theophile Gautier
- Anna Gavalda
- Jamila Gavin
- Catherine Gavin
- Shakti Gawain
- Atul Gawande
- Peter Gay
- Roxane Gay
- Cecily Gayford
- Martin Gayford
- Mike Gayle
- Paul Gayler
- Kate Gaynor
- Sam Gayton
- W. Michael Gear
- Kathleen O'Neal Gear
- Carlo Gebler
- Anne Geddes
- Leslie Geddes-Brown
- Pauline Gedge
- Maggie Gee
- Maurice Gee
- Robyn Gee
- Norman L. Geisler
- Rick Gekoski
- Uri Geller
- Martha Gellhorn
- Peter Gelling
- Ernest Gellner
- Dave Gelly
- James Gelsey
- David Gemmell
- Kathy Gemmell
- Pam Gems
- Roy Genders
- Kemp Gene
- Guido van Genechten
- Jean Genet
- Lisa Genova
- John B. Gent
- David Gentleman
- National Geographic
- Australian Geographic
- G.N. Georgano
- Elizabeth George
- Joshua George
- Catherine George
- Mike George
- Lucy M. George
- Paul George
- Michael George
- Jessica Day George
- Jim George
- Rosemary George
- Louisa George
- Susan George
- Tonia George
- Valerie Georgeson
- Tony Geraghty
- Paul Geraghty
- Cindy Gerard
- Adele Geras
- Charlotte Gerlings
- Sylvie Germain
- David Gero
- David Gerrad
- Mike Gerrard
- David Gerrard
- Tess Gerritsen
- David Gerrold
- Phillis Gershator
- Mike Gershon
- George Gershwin
- Holley Gerth
- Ricky Gervais
- Gestalten
- Little Gestalten
- Hulton Getty
- Sabrina Ghayour
- Bert Ghezzi
- Amitav Ghosh
- Robin Gianna
- Alun Gibbard
- Lewis Grassic Gibbon
- Edward Gibbon
- Stanley Gibbons
- Alan Gibbons
- Bob Gibbons
- Gail Gibbons
- Stella Gibbons
- Dave Gibbons
- John Gibbons
- Kaye Gibbons
- Stuart Gibbs
- Edward Gibbs
- May Gibbs
- Bridget Gibbs
- Patricia Gibney
- John Gibney
- Kahlil Gibran
- Ray Gibson
- William Gibson
- Rachel Gibson
- Gary Gibson
- J.S.W. Gibson
- Miles Gibson
- Michael Gibson
- David Gibson
- Alan Gibson
- Darril Gibson
- Fiona Gibson
- Jean Gibson
- Robin Gibson
- Anthony Giddens
- Anthony Giddens (London School of Economics and Political
- Andre Gide
- Lucien de Gieter
- Patricia Reilly Giff
- Keith Giffen
- Clive Gifford
- Barry Gifford
- Blythe Gifford
- Denis Gifford
- Potter Gift
- Christian Art Gifts
- Share the Love Gifts
- Louie Giglio
- Martin Gilbert
- Michael Gilbert
- Francis Gilbert
- Prof Paul Gilbert
- William Schwenck Gilbert
- Adrian Gilbert
- Andy Gilbert
- Elizabeth Gilbert
- Ian Gilbert
- Adrian D. Gilbert
- Cherry Gilchrist
- Ellen Gilchrist
- Paige Gilchrist
- Gillian Gilert
- Jenny Giles
- Sophie Giles
- Giles
- Richard Giles
- Gordon Giles
- John Giles
- Edward Giles
- Helen Gilhooly
- Peter Gill
- Elizabeth Gill
- Chris Gill
- Robin Gill
- Anton Gill
- Nikita Gill
- Peter T. Gill
- Leanne Gill
- John Gill
- Linda Gillard
- Kieron Gillen
- Norman Giller
- Lisa Jane Gillespie
- Andrew Gillespie
- Jack Gillett
- Roy Gillett
- Bill Gillham
- John Gillham
- Mary Gilliatt
- Valerie Gillies
- Sara Gillingham
- Claire Gillman
- Jack Gillon
- George G. Gilman
- Charlotte Perkins Gilman
- David Gilman
- Sander L. Gilman
- Jessica Gilmore
- John Gilmore
- H.B. Gilmour
- Rebecca Gilpin
- Daniel Gilpin
- Henry Gilroy
- John Gilstrap
- Newt Gingrich
- Allen Ginsberg
- Natalia Ginzburg
- Jean Giono
- Maurizio de Giovanni
- Jacky Girardet
- Richard Girling
- Rebel Girls
- Mark Girouard
- Joseph F. Girzone
- Victor Gischler
- George Gissing
- Jeffrey Gitomer
- Rob Gittins
- Chrissie Gittins
- Ann Louise Gittleman
- Alessandro De Giuli
- Geoffrey Giuliano
- Anne Giulieri
- Malcolm Gladwell
- Andrew Gladwell
- David Gladwin
- Lesley Glaister
- Jonathan Glancey
- Rick Glanvill
- Brian Glanville
- Jo Glanville-Blackburn
- Kathleen Glasgow
- Cathy Glass
- Calliope Glass
- Ralph Glasser
- John Glatt
- Philip Glazebrook
- Olivia Glazebrook
- Jonathan Glazzard
- Colleen Gleason
- Libby Gleeson
- Henry Gleitman
- Morris Gleitzman
- Victoria Glendinning
- Marilyn Glenville
- Gerald Gliddon
- Abbi Glines
- Debi Gliori
- Dina Glouberman
- David Glover
- Brian Glover
- Michael Glover
- Stuart Glover
- Sandra Glover
- Malcolm Gluck
- Andy Glynne
- Tim Glynne-Jones
- Other primary creator Borch GmbH
- Babadada Gmbh
- Gmc
- Fiona Goble
- Paul Goble
- John Godber
- Robert Goddard
- Neville Goddard
- Tariq Goddard
- T. R. Goddard
- Rumer Godden
- Gillian Godden
- Geoffrey A Godden
- Alan Godfrey
- Jan Godfrey
- Jonnie Godfrey
- Janice M. Godfrey
- Seth Godin
- Jane Godman
- Sam Godwin
- Robert Godwin
- Gail Godwin
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
- Goethe
- Toni Goffe
- Liz Gogerly
- Clare Gogerty
- Vincent Van Gogh
- Nikolai Gogol
- John Golby
- Kristi Gold
- Rozanne Gold
- Lee Goldberg
- David Goldblatt
- Christopher Golden
- Christie Golden
- Sally Goldenbaum
- Sophie Goldie
- Julia Golding
- William Golding
- Sophie Golding
- John Goldingay
- William Goldman
- Emma Goldrick
- Gaby Goldsack
- Mike Goldsmith
- Joel S. Goldsmith
- Marshall Goldsmith
- Oliver Goldsmith
- Olivia Goldsmith
- Dr Mike Goldsmith
- Becky Goldsmith
- Edward Goldsmith
- John Goldsmith
- Joseph Goldstein
- Kevin Goldstein-Jackson
- Lawrence Goldstone
- Adrian Goldsworthy
- Margaret Goldthorpe
- Daniel Goleman
- Jim W. Goll
- John Golley
- Helen Goltz
- Godfrey Golzen
- Peter J Gomes
- Joan Gomez
- Taro Gomi
- Larry Gonick
- Mike Gonzalez
- Phyllis Good
- Jane Goodall
- Nigel Goodall
- John S. Goodall
- Philip Gooden
- Paula Gooder
- John Gooders
- Peter Goodfellow
- Pippa Goodhart
- Mel Gooding
- Christina Goodings
- Terry Goodkind
- Jonathan Goodman
- Linda Goodman
- Jo Goodman
- Polly Goodman
- Robert Goodman
- Keith Goodman
- Teresa Goodridge
- Rosie Goodwin
- Grace Goodwin
- Archie Goodwin
- John Goodwin
- David Goodwin
- Doris Kearns Goodwin
- Nathan Dylan Goodwin
- Peter Goodwin
- Jason Goodwin
- Adam G Goodwin
- Bob Goodwin
- Daisy Goodwin
- Dan Gookin
- Tristan Gooley
- Adam Gopnik
- Nadine Gordimer
- Lucy Gordon
- Richard Gordon
- Abigail Gordon
- Lyndall Gordon
- Giles Gordon
- Robert Gordon
- Mary Gordon
- Peter Gordon
- John Gordon
- Bob Gordon
- Bryony Gordon
- Jon Gordon
- Neil Gordon
- Alex Gordon
- Michelle Gordon
- Noah Gordon
- Tom Gordon
- Clare Gordon-Smith
- Al Gore
- Edward Gorey
- Rosemary Goring
- Ed Gorman
- Luke Gorman
- Rene Goscinny
- Goscinny
- Morris & Goscinny
- Gerald Gosling
- Sharon Gosling
- Paula Gosling
- Ted Gosling
- James Goss
- Steve Goss
- Chris Goss
- Edmund Gosse
- Martin Gostelow
- Adrian Gostick
- Koyoharu Gotouge
- Elizabeth Goudge
- Eileen Goudge
- Andrew S. Goudie
- Nancy Goudie
- Terry Gough
- Julian Gough
- Leo Gough
- Stephen Jay Gould
- Mike Gould
- Wayne Gould
- Leslie Gould
- Judith Gould
- Francesca Gould
- David Gould
- Tony Gould
- Laurent Gounelle
- Candy Gourlay
- Leslie Gourse
- Leopoldo Gout
- Azmina Govindji
- Mick Gowar
- Fiona Gowen
- Iris Gower
- Jon Gower
- Roger Gower
- David Gower
- Juan Goytisolo
- Anne De Graaf
- Chris Grabenstein
- N.B. Grace
- James Gracie
- Robyn Grady
- David Graeber
- Posie Graeme-Evans
- Lisa Graff
- Sue Grafton
- Carol Belanger Grafton
- Ian Graham
- Lynne Graham
- Heather Graham
- Oakley Graham
- Winston Graham
- Billy Graham
- Bob Graham
- Alex Graham
- Laurie Graham
- Morris A. Graham
- Frank Graham
- Eliza Graham
- Margaret Graham
- Ruth Bell Graham
- Elspeth Graham
- Alan Graham
- Caroline Graham
- Malcolm Graham
- Tim Graham
- John Graham
- Melissa Graham
- Duncan Graham
- Lily Graham
- Scott Graham
- Ysenda Maxtone Graham
- James Graham
- Kenneth Grahame
- Nicola Graimes
- Jean Grainger
- Roger Grainger
- Preston Gralla
- Almudena Grandes
- Temple Grandin
- Grandreams
- Jean-Christophe Grange
- Amanda Grange
- Ann Granger
- Bill Granger
- David Grann
- John Grant
- Michael Grant
- Neil Grant
- David Grant
- Alan Grant
- R.G. Grant
- Donna Grant
- Amanda Grant
- Rosamund Grant
- Joan Grant
- James Grant
- Audrey Grant
- Carrie Grant
- Andrew Grant
- Mira Grant
- Robert M. Grant
- Sara Grant
- Donald Grant
- Adam Grant
- Peter Grant
- K M Grant
- Helen Grant
- Moyra Grant
- Elizabeth Grant
- Russell Grant
- Lesley Grant-Adamson
- Gunter Grass
- Tessa Gratton
- Elise Gravel
- Ann Gravells
- Sue Graves
- Robert Graves
- Sarah Graves
- Jane Graves
- Tom Graves
- Donald E. Graves
- Emily Gravett
- Christopher Gravett
- Steve Gravett
- Andy Gravette
- Kes Gray
- Iain Gray
- John Gray
- Peter Gray
- Todd Gray
- Simon Gray
- Alex Gray
- Nigel Gray
- Leon Gray
- Alasdair Gray
- Kyle Gray
- Henry Gray
- Joanna Gray
- Claudia Gray
- Deborah Gray
- Rosemary Gray
- David Gray
- Jennifer Gray
- Keith Gray
- William Gray
- Michael Gray
- Daniel Gray
- Oliver Gray
- Adrian Gray
- Paul Gray
- Linda Gray
- Tony Gray
- Caroline Gray
- Shelley Shepard Gray
- James Gray
- Catherine Gray
- Rose Gray
- Alice Gray
- Stephen Gray
- Millie Gray
- Jeffery Grayer
- A.C. Grayling
- Jane Grayshon
- Peter Graystone
- A Gre
- Mark Greaney
- Helen Greathead
- Margaret Greaves
- Ian Greaves
- Jimmy Greaves
- Simon Greaves
- Andrew M. Greeley
- Jen Green
- J.D. Green
- Michael Green
- John Green
- Simon R. Green
- Rod Green
- Jonathan Green
- Dan Green
- Dr Jen Green
- Christine Green
- Jonathon Green
- Mary Green
- Roger Lancelyn Green
- Jane Green
- William Green
- Jim Green
- David Green
- Barry Green
- Abby Green
- Andrew Green
- Martin Green
- Benny Green
- Paul Green
- Ryan Green
- Caroline Green
- T J Green
- Marian Green
- Henry Green
- Matt Green
- Joey Green
- Julia Green
- Alison Green
- James Green
- Sylvia Green
- Simon James Green
- Roger Green
- Aliza Green
- Layton Green
- Christopher Green
- Fern Green
- Peter Green
- Mark Green
- Daniel Green
- Christina Green
- Joel B. Green
- Richard Green
- Reg Green
- Thomas H. Green
- Malcolm Green
- Linda Green
- Giselle Green
- Tim Green
- Hilary Green
- Sharon Weiner Green
- Sandy Green
- Theresa Greenaway
- Kate Greenaway
- Martin Greenberg
- Martin Harry Greenberg
- Robert Greenberger
- Graham Greene
- Bob Greene
- Mark Greene
- Robert Greene
- Jennifer Greene
- Yvonne Greene
- Mark Greener
- Susan Greenfield
- Eloise Greenfield
- Edward Greenfield
- Paul Greenhalgh
- Malcolm Greenhalgh
- Jean Greenhowe
- Rosie Greening
- Lavinia Greenlaw
- Cerridwen Greenleaf
- Philip Greenslade
- Chrissy Greenslade
- David Greentree
- Karen Greenvang
- Rick Greenwald
- Jessica Greenwell
- Royal Observatory Greenwich
- Marlene Greenwood
- Kerry Greenwood
- D.M. Greenwood
- Ed Greenwood
- Mark Greenwood
- Ross Greenwood
- T. Greenwood
- Simon Greenwood
- Tracey Greenwood
- Kerry Greenwood (Author)
- John Michael Greer
- Rita Greer
- Alex Greer
- Dr. Germaine Greer
- Lydia Greeves
- Andy Greeves
- Michael Greger
- Stacy Gregg
- Peter Grego
- Philippa Gregory
- Philippa Gregory (University of Edinburgh)
- Susanna Gregory
- Donald Gregory
- Stephen Gregory
- Kenneth Gregory
- J. M. Gregson
- Rebecca Gregson
- John Grehan
- Andrew Greig
- Louise Greig
- Pete Greig
- Bradley Trevor Greive
- Gren
- Joyce Grenfell
- Kate Grenville
- Zane Grey
- Mini Grey
- Andrew Grey
- Jen L Grey
- India Grey
- Johnny Grey
- Amelia Grey
- Melissa Grey
- John Gribbin
- Mary Gribbin
- Lyn Le Grice
- Robert Grieves
- Harriet Griffey
- W. E. B. Griffin
- Laura Griffin
- Joe Griffin
- Emilie Griffin
- Ricky W. Griffin
- Gabriele Griffin
- Susan Griffith
- J. A. G. Griffith
- Paddy Griffith
- Andy Griffiths
- Neil Griffiths
- Elly Griffiths
- John Griffiths
- Paul Griffiths
- Rose Griffiths
- Mark Griffiths
- Hywel Griffiths
- Trevor Griffiths
- Michael Griffiths
- Bede Griffiths
- Alan Griffiths
- Niall Griffiths
- A J Griffiths-Jones
- John Grigg
- Geoffrey Grigson
- Jane Grigson
- Sophie Grigson
- Virginie Grimaldi
- Martha Grimes
- Nikki Grimes
- Jacob Grimm
- Brothers Grimm
- Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
- Jim Grimsley
- David Grimstone
- Jon Courtenay Grimwood
- Sally Grindley
- James Grippando
- John Grisewood
- John Grisham
- Vona Groarke
- Matt Groening
- Benedict J. Groeschel
- Lauren Groff
- John Grogan
- Earl A. Grollman
- Jens Christian Grondahl
- Winston Groom
- Mat Groom
- Philip Gross
- Richard Gross
- Edward Gross
- John Gross
- Richard D. Gross
- Joel Gross
- Lawrence Grossberg
- David Grossman
- Vasily Grossman
- Lev Grossman
- George Grossmith
- Disney Book Group
- Map Group
- Que Development Group
- The Diagram Group
- Child Poverty Action Group
- Marvel Press Book Group
- Scottish Primary Mathematics Group
- Baker Publishing Group
- Carlton Publishing Group
- Marvel Book Group
- Diagram Group
- Chris Grover
- Paul Groves
- Annie Groves
- Wayne Grudem
- Sara Gruen
- Heini Gruffudd
- Galen Gruman
- Michael C Grumley
- Malcolm Grundy
- Barbara Grunes
- Nina Grunfeld
- Bear Grylls
- The Guardian
- Giovanni Guareschi
- Mary Gudgeon
- Rene Guenon
- H. A. Guerber
- Simon Guerrier
- Katharine Guerrier
- Benedicte Guettier
- Che Guevara
- Marc Guggenheim
- Ramachandra Guha
- Laura Lee Guhrke
- Insight Guides Travel Guide
- Consumer Guide
- Insight Travel Guide
- Insight Guides
- Rough Guides
- Berlitz Guides
- Fodor's Travel Guides
- Good Food Guides
- Quick Start Guides
- Alan Rogers Guides
- Luxe City Guides
- Minute Help Guides
- Birnbaum Guides
- Tricia Guild
- Trinity Guildhall
- Gill Guile
- Rosemary Ellen Guiley
- Mireille Guiliano
- Adam Guillain
- Charlotte Guillain
- Jasmine Guillory
- Aylwin Guilmant
- Ursula K. Le Guin
- Ursula Le Guin
- Jeff Guinn
- Paul Guinness
- Os Guinness
- Cathy Guisewite
- Malcolm Guite
- George Guiver
- M. Fethullah Gulen
- Robert van Gulik
- Nicky Gumbel
- Tracy Gunaratnam
- Jessica Gunderson
- Romesh Gunesekera
- Robin Jones Gunn
- Neil Gunn
- Neil M. Gunn
- Bill Gunston
- Colin E. Gunton
- Christiane Gunzi
- Tanika Gupta (Author)
- Peter Guralnick
- Paula Guran
- Margaret Gurevich
- Abdulrazak Gurnah
- Stella Gurney
- Language Guru
- Sandra Gustafson
- Beth Gutcheon
- David Guterson
- Nancy Guthrie
- Allan Guthrie
- Dan Gutman
- Anne Gutman
- Joanna Gutmann
- Jon Guttman
- Peter Guttridge
- Roger Guttridge
- John Guy
- Louise Guy
- Lucinda Guy
- Rosa Guy
- Bethan Gwanas
- Richard Gwyn
- John Gwynne
- Geshe Kelsang Gyatso
- debbie tucker green