Celebrating Black Authors

This Black History Month, we're shining a light on titles by inspirational and influential black authors

Writers who inspire us

Benjamin Zephaniah's poetry addresses political issues, racial inequality, cultural diversity, and human and animal rights all through fantastic rhythm and with accentuated Jamaican dialect. He connects to people for whom the traditional canon of British literature is inaccessible and unrelatable. His poems focus on the telling, the significance of self-expression, and the importance of open dialogue without a class, race, sexuality, or gender divide.

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Top 10 Contemporary Black Writers

This month, we're sharing our top 10 contemporary black writers, with a focus on fiction authors. Black authors are under-represented in the world of publishing. In recent years, the literary world has made strides towards celebrating and supporting young black authors, though there is still much further to go to reach equality in literature.
We want to help discover black writers across genres and styles, uplifting unique voices and sharing fresh, new stories. Check out our picks for the top 10 contemporary black writers, and share your own favourites.

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